So you aren't sure if you're ready to have a baby or not?
We don't blame you for not being sure. There is a lot to think about. And it's scary.
Costs? School? Where are you going to live? Is anyone actually going to be there for support? Are you all on your own?
But the ONLY thing you need to know right now is that there is no need to rush into any decisions. Many people are going to tell you that you need to decide immediately what you're going to do about this baby, but it's not true. There is time. And the nice thing is, with only a little time talking to one of our volunteers, many past clients have actually been able to come to a decision pretty quickly. That can happen when you get in touch with someone who's gone through this before who can help you to determine what your actual concerns are. It's a lot easier to answer questions when we figure out what your particular questions are, right?
And once we know what you are worried about, we can talk to you about it in detail, as we have helped over 6000 families over 45 years with their unexpected and often unwanted pregnancies.
We have a HUGE resource book that contains all of the names, addresses and phone numbers of doctors, lawyers, nurses, government organizations, non-profits, safe houses, and tons of other people and places that want to help people just like you.
We can help you stay in school while you're pregnant, go on to college, keep your job, or even get a job.
We know everything feels really overwhelming, but we take it one question at a time, and figure out what it is that is stopping you from having both this baby and your dreams too.
Links, like the ones below, are available to us to help you see what your rights are as pregnant person, whether it's in high school, the workplace, medical care, or for housing. You cannot be harassed or dismissed in most cases. Know your rights. We'll get you legal help.
We are so glad that you realize that you can ask for help when having a baby! Raising a child is a lot easier with a plan in place and with people to help you. And we can help you get both.
We have access to TONS of support from our county offices, our city services, our churches, our neighbors, and our friends in other organizations that are waiting to help you out.
We try to be the one-stop shop for you to get all the answers you need.
We can help with all of that and more! Just ask. Call, email or stop in. We want to empower, educate and elevate you to the life you hoped for – even through an unplanned pregnancy. Have hope, be flexible and dream big!
Links, like the ones below, are available to us to help you see what your rights are as pregnant person, whether it's in high school, the workplace, medical care, or for housing. You cannot be harassed or dismissed in most cases. Know your rights. We'll get you legal help.
If you're not ready for a baby, then you need to know what your options are...
...and we will be happy to go over them with you, one by one, answering all of your questions, until you find the option you think is best.
But there is no huge rush. People will tell you that there is, but waiting a couple of days in order to get some questions answered, won't make a difference. There's time and you need to take it because this is big and serious decision. And no one else should be making it for you.
Do you know what the #1 reason women give for choosing to have an abortion in Minnesota? Because someone in their life was pushing them to do it. Does that seem like a good reason to do anything, especially when it's involving your body, your health, and your future?
Make sure to write down the questions that are rolling around in your head. Let's look at them, one by one, and see what is the reason you are choosing this, because if it's just because someone else tells you it's a good idea or that you have to, then you haven't thought everything through for yourself. We want this to be YOUR choice; YOUR decision; no one else's.
And the one thing we want to be sure you know is that if you are talking to any professionals about abortion, they should be telling you all of the risks associated with this medical procedure, as you would expect to have the right and the need to know before you would agree to ANY medical procedure.
IF they don't, or if you want to get a second opinion, we will make sure to find you a doctor that will tell you what you can expect.
The Woman's Right to Know Act, enacted in 2004, but recently struck down in 2022, used to require by law that every patient considering an abortion must receive information about medical risks of both abortions and pregnancies, medical and other public assistance available for your pregnancy, and information about fetal development and when fetuses start feeling pain....and you had to be given this info at least 24 hours prior to an abortion procedure so that you had time to think about it. Now, without this law in place, women run the risk of not only rushing into an important decision, but not being fully educated about the pros and cons of each choice, and not being told of their options. There are options. Multiple options. Not just one. An abortion is a medical procedure that carries various risks with it, as does pregnancy, but if you have not had these risks explained to you in detail, then find someone who will take the time to help you make an educated decision. Your health is worth asking questions about. We will find you a doctor who will answer all of your questions. We want you to be safe. We want you to be in charge. And the only way to do both those things is to get the answers to your questions. We will not use scare tactics or graphic photos, and we do not rush you into any decision. This is your decision, and we acknowledge that. We just want it to be an educated decision and one where you get what you want and what you expect. Any medical facility should be giving you time and options. If they are not or they are not willing to take the time to explain themselves, go somewhere else; somewhere where your concerns are their concerns. You will find that at Life Connections. We care about you as a woman. Please call or stop in.
Because abortion can be very hard on your body, it can have some very serious and long-lasting side effects, as does pregnancy. These need to not be ignored.
The one effect that more women suffer from silently, but is talked about the least, is PAS, or Post-Abortion Syndrome. It's a form of PTSD. And just like not all soldiers have obvious signs of PTSD, not all women who have had an abortion will notice PAS, but some women are tragically affected very negatively for the rest of their lives by an abortion that was promised to “make this problem go away.”
This is what the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information federal government website says:
"Still, both sides agree that (a) abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion; (b) the abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women; (c) there are risk factors, such as pre-existing mental illness, that identify women at greatest risk of mental health problems after an abortion; and (d) it is impossible to conduct research in this field in a manner that can definitively identify the extent to which any mental illnesses following abortion can be reliably attributed to abortion in and of itself."
Here is a link to another federal government research paper that agrees that women who have had an abortion are emotionally hurt by having an abortion:
The paper states "Criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were met in the ten PAS cases studied. In addition, patients also showed other non-specific symptoms such as repeated and persistent dreams and nightmares related with the abortion, intense feelings of guilt and the "need to repair". PAS should be considered as an additional type of PTSD."
If you do choose abortion, we want you to know that we will still love you, hug you, and help you anyway we can... because we are at our core Pro-Woman.
That is what we are all about.
That is why we support you.
If you feel the need, we can work together to find you a professional licensed counselor that you can talk to.
There are also these online options:
The link below can help you see what your rights are as a pregnant person, whether it's in high school, the workplace, medical care, or for housing. In most cases, you cannot be harassed or dismissed just because you are pregnant.
We'll get you legal help.
Know your rights.
If you find out that you have become pregnant by a rape, PLEASE read through this website by a woman who was conceived in rape BEFORE you make any decisions about the pregnancy:
Rebecca's StoryRebecca’s sites have a lot of really helpful information on realizing that having an abortion doesn’t make the rape go away, but in fact it removes a chance you have of something positive coming out of such a negative event.
This story recounts many cases of how babies can help a mother to heal and how we need to look at this with new eyes and discuss your options again.
Raped women who had their babies defy pro-choice stereotypesThere is absolutely no evidence that a child born of rape inherits evil from it circumstances of conception. This is a baby, like any other baby, and we hope you will at least consider the possibility that the child could bring you joy; someone to love you and thank you for believing in them and giving them a chance to make this a better world.
Please give us a call if we can help in anyway.
Links, like the ones below, are available to us to help you see what your rights are as pregnant person, whether it’s in high school, the workplace, medical care, or for housing. You cannot be harassed or dismissed in most cases. Know your rights. We’ll get you legal help.