Life Connections of Alexandria, MN - Helping Women, Babies, & Families


We get asked a lot of questions all the time. We don't mind! It's what we're here for: to help you find answers.

If the questions below aren't your questions, please email us or call and we'd love to find out together what you need to know.

Do you have Pregnancy Tests?

Yes, we do.

You can get a free and completely confidential pregnancy test with or without an appointment. We have a private, spacious and cheerful bathroom and you can wait in our lobby or private education room while you are waiting for the results.

For the most accurate results, please make it your first pee of the morning!

Learn About or Free Pregnancy Tests

I can't come in during your regular hours. Can you meet me at a different time?

Yes absolutely!

Because we are run by volunteers, we will do everything we can to find a time that works for everyone.

The more advance notice you can give us though, the better we can meet your needs.

If I am under 18 years old, will you call my parents or the police?

No. We won't be calling your parents just because you came in to talk to us, get a pregnancy test, or just because you're pregnant.

We will respect your privacy and your situation. If you want help talking to your parents, we can do that too.

If however, it is clear that your health or safety is in immediate danger due to an abusive relationship, we will want the best for you and we will encourage you to take steps yourself toward freedom and safety, and we will help you to do that as well. We won't let you down.

We work closely with many state and county agencies, as well as Someplace Safe (our local office for abused women and men), and they (combined with free local help available from Legal Services of NW MN) we can get you what you need in order to be healthy and safe.

Will you preach at me against abortion?

No, because first of all, we won't judge you. You are the one that has to make this decision…and because we refuse to use scare tactics or graphic photos to try and convince you of anything. We do believe however, that this baby is here for a reason, and that none of us have the right to take a life just because it's inconveniencing ours for 9 months.

But our ultimate goal is just to inform you of ALL of your options, and all of the pros and cons of each option, so that you can make the best decision possible for you. The saddest thing, we believe, is for a woman to feel forced into a decision that she either didn't want to make, or didn't know enough about. We want you to know that no matter which decision you choose, you are not alone and we will not abandon you. We are here for you …before, during, and after the pregnancy. Ask. Tell us what you need help with. Talk to us about your fears and roadblocks. And we will listen. And if you'll let us, we will discuss everything as much or as little as you want. That's what friends do.

Is there a catch? Do I have to sign up for anything in order to get help?

No, there is nothing you have to do for our help and support.

For some of our more in-depth or costly services, such as new car seats and cribs, we will need to work with you and other agencies in a joint effort to ensure safety and a fruitful outcome.

But we are not affiliated with any one church or political group and we do not have to all agree on everything to get along. (Another way we are like your friends!)

We ask for a first name on our intake sheet when we first meet you, and that is all we hope for to get started. If you want to share more, then we can get to know you more, but you can decide how much to share.

We do offer many free classes for things such as carseat safety, crib safety, first aid, budgeting, and so on…but none of them are required if you don't want to partake in those programs. It's up to you.

Why would you want to help me?

Because many of us have known someone in your shoes, and for many of our volunteers, it was a family member or even themselves.

We've been there. And we know how terrifying it is to be pregnant when you don't want to be or don't think you should be.

We also know that we can't simply tell people to be Pro-Life and then not help them with the real world obstacles of finances, time management, and emotions. And how about those sticky relationship problems too? It's all very real and we know lots of people that never felt like they had a choice with an unwanted baby. Well you have choices. LOTS of options. Half the battle is just finding out what those are.