If your family falls below the 200% poverty level, as laid out by the Federal Government’s Annual guidelines, then we can offer you both a new car seat and a free safety class to help you install and use it properly. This service is available to any mom, dad or grandparent guardian that is unable to purchase the necessary safety equipment for their child, and that meets these income restrictions.*
The class takes only an hour and includes a DVD and a demonstration of how to safely place your child in your car seat and install the car seat in your vehicle. After the class, a car seat will be delivered to their home.
Even if you aren’t struggling financially, everyone and anyone can take our car seat safety class. It is challenging to put the seats in correctly, so let us help! Car seat safety checks are open to anyone in the community. Just call, text or email for an appointment.
The class takes usually about an hour and involves a demonstration of how to safely place your child in your car seat and install the car seat in your vehicle. Then our technicians will guide you as you remove and re-install the seat yourself. Please have the child along that will be using the seat for the best fit
Only certified technicians do these classes. A Spanish translator is available to assist with these car seat classes and installation.
Please call our office at 320-762-1224, or text 320-298-8453 if you can't call to make an appointment.
Please schedule this class for the last month of your pregnancy.
As with everything else that we distribute from our office, car seats are donated to us through various benefactors and grants. However, when the car seats run out for the year, or when the funds to buy them has been used up, we cannot guarantee the ability to provide more until the supply is refilled. Please accept our dearest apologies if this should happen. It hasn’t happened yet and we pray that it won’t. We will do everything we can to help families, so please work with us.
If you are a potential donor, please consider signing up through our donation link to sponsor a car seat. For only $100, you can help us give a child the proper carseat protection, which could save their life. We’ve had more than one client come out of an accident injury-free; thanking us for keeping their child safe. So THANK YOU for helping!