There are LOTS of ways to help us out here at Life Connections, and many don’t even involve coming into the office!
Here are just some of the ways to get involved:
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Besides wanting more volunteers to work with clients in the office....Here are some other ideas:
Life Connections’ Donor Privacy Policy states unconditionally that (1) it will not share a donor's information with anyone outside the organization, unless the donor has given the charity specific permission to do so, (2) ) it will not sell a donor's information to anyone, and (3) it will not send a donor mailings or emails on behalf of other organizations.
Except for a few grants that help with specific client needs in certain situations, all of our costs are covered by donors like you. We don’t hold any large fundraisers …partly because we have no paid staff who have to cover their salaries, but also, we don’t want to spend your money to make money. Approximately, 97% of all the money donated goes directly to the clients, except for rent costs. We hope you find that exciting. We do! We want every dollar to be helping someone in need.
If you would consider signing up to have $8 sent to us each month through PayPal, that will buy another family of ours in the Diaper Club a pack of diapers, wipes and baby wash each and every month. Isn’t that easy?!
A one-time $100 donation will buy another car seat for a family that can’t afford one.
You don’t have to choose where the money is spent, but you can come see for yourself how we spend the money. Come take a tour. Ask us questions. Look at our financial sheets. We want you to be comfortable giving to Life Connections. We want you to feel good about helping your neighbors out.
Here's the link to DONATE. Have fun!
PayPal keeps only 2.2% of the donation (plus thirty cents for each transaction) to help us do these transactions with you. For example, a donation of $100 would mean that our office receives $97.50. While it isn’t free, that is still close to the price of mailing it in to us, if you consider the cost of the stamp, envelope and check blank, plus your time!
Using PayPal is fast and easy for both you and us, but we will gladly welcome payments of any sort if you want to mail it to us or drop it off in person.
If you would like a receipt from us for tax purposes, please type your name and address into the NOTE section of your payment so that we can mail one back to you. Otherwise, you can print out a copy of your PayPal transaction as well.
If you would prefer to not use PayPal, feel free to send a check payable to "Life Connections" to:
Life Connections
P.O. Box 822
Alexandria, MN 56308
Life Connections depends on volunteers to keep our doors open. There is no paid staff in our office and there never has been. We are there because we want to help, but there’s always more that can be done.
Because of the wonderful community members like you that have pitched in over the last 45 years, we can keep serving the community and keep the doors open.
Nearly 4,000 hours of service were worked in the last year to help support our work and outreach efforts. These contributions are amazing! Through you, we can show love and real, tangible support for our clients. THANK YOU!
Would you like to find out more about becoming a new Volunteer?
Look through the list below for ideas and if you are interested in learning more about these opportunities or want to ask us about applying your skills or ideas into our organization, we’d love to talk to you!
Call or email us for more information. Please allow a little time for our Volunteer Director to contact you, but feel free to make an appointment too for a tour while you’re waiting for your training to start.
Earn college credit while serving your community. We would love to have students create a plan with us to gain experience in office management, running a non-profit, public service, and more. We can both benefit from learning from each other. Come take a tour, see if we are a good fit for you, and then make an appointment with our Volunteer Director. Thank you for considering us!
If you are a Thrivent customer, you can give directly to Life Connections without any processing fess through this link here. Learn more about other ways to give through Thrivent here. We’ve been the grateful recipient of many Thrivent Action Team events. Donors have held baby showers for us, collected items, and had a diaper drive – all with help from Thrivent Actions Team support. Go here to learn more how you can help.
Life Connections is always in need of the following things:
Unfortunately, we cannot accept (due to both liability and space constraints) furniture, high chairs, baby bathtubs, swings, cribs or used carseats.
Please make an appt via email or call ahead to see if we are open. Donations are tax deductible, as we are a 501c3.
If you would like a receipt, please leave your name and address with the items so that we can get one mailed back to you.
We have a Gift Bag Program that allows you to choose a way to give an additional blessing to one or more of our clients. You choose the type of bag/basket/box that you want to put the items in, and have fun shopping!
We would use these bags in a variety of ways: as encouragement to a new mom or dad that has no support system and therefore no baby showers, as a gift incentive for entering our life coaching program, or as a door prize for the moms or dads that join our weekly support group meetings.
You choose the contents, but we hope that you can include a note from you (anonymously), that will let them know that the community is here for them!
Name: Taking Care of Mom
Intended Audience: Pregnant women
Possible items: gift cards lip-balm, cocoa butter, foot soak (all chemical-free); gift cards (grocery store, restaurant, online maternity store, massage, mani/pedi, haircut; soft socks, belly band; water bottle, natural drinks, hot cocoa, non-herbal decaf tea, healthy snacks (low-salt nuts, dried fruit, pumpkin seeds); pregnancy journal, & a note of encouragement
Name: Taking Care of Dad
Intended Audience: Expecting or new fathers
Possible items: gift cards (grocery store, restaurant, massage, haircut, gas station); new socks, new sleep pants set, books on parenting or being a great dad; water bottle, natural drinks, hot cocoa, non-herbal decaf tea, healthy snacks (low-salt nuts, dried fruit, pumpkin seeds); & a note of encouragement
Name: Postpartum Pampering
Intended Audience: Moms who recently gave birth
Possible items: gift cards (grocery store, restaurant, online maternity store, mani/pedi, massage, haircut); soft socks, spa items (foot soak, lotions, lip balm, lip gloss); Tucks pads, large maxi pads, toilet paper, water bottle, hot/cold pack; grab-and-go snacks (protein bars, popcorn, rice cakes, dried fruit); & a note of encouragement
Name: New Baby - Diaper Duty
Intended Audience: Parents of newborns
Possible items: diapers, wipes, baby oil, (no baby powders), diaper rash cream, pads, cotton balls, pacifiers, garbage bags, rattles and small hand toys, baby mirror; & a note of encouragement
Name: New Baby - Baby Care
Intended Audience: Parents of newborns
Possible items: baby nail clippers/scissors, gas medicine, baby toothbrush/non-fluoride toothpaste, digital thermometer, board book, burp cloths, baby bottle nipples, baby bottle brush, bibs, pacifiers, safety items like outlet covers and doorknob covers, & a note of encouragement
Name: New Baby - Bath Time
Intended Audience: Parents of newborns
Possible items: baby wash, baby washcloth, hooded baby towel, cotton balls, baby hair comb, small bath toys, & a note of encouragement
Name: New Baby - Clothed with Love
Intended Audience: Parents of newborns
Possible items: onesies, baby socks, sleepers, receiving blanket, baby hangers, baby laundry detergent, baby hats, baby mitts, & a note of encouragement